A data subscription allows for unlimited updates in your subscribed format(s) and projection(s) until the expiration date.

Subscription Pricing

Subscription prices include the Subscription initial cost (initial purchase price)  and the Cost for annual Renewal (the first year’s updates).   After the first year, you only pay the annual renewal cost for the subscription(updates).

Downloading Subscribed Data

You will receive an initial download package with subscription data when you first make your order. From then on, there are ways you can get your subscribed data:

  • the easiest way to get updates is to select Update on the menu beside your name and use the Subscription updates interface.  
  • get updated data through the subscriptions table on your personal orders or company orders page
  • get a specific AOI of your subscribed data using the map interface
  • use our API to automate your downloads

Viewing Your Subscriptions on the Map

Your current subscription AOI will show on the map interface when you select the product you’re subscribed to. You can select any area within the AOI to download the data for your subscribed format(s) and projection(s) free of charge.

Subscriptions you have access to will be shown in green, and subscriptions your company have, but you cannot access will be shown in grey. (Note: For personal subscriptions, all current subscriptions will show in green.)

Select an area within this green area. Tip: You don’t have to trace your subscribed area to select the whole area. Click the arrow next to Select in the map toolbar, then click Subscription Areas in the menu that appears.

You can then click any subscription area on the map to select it.

Click the Add to Cart button at the bottom right of the map.

The Add to Cart panel will show $0 for the price (unless you choose a different format or projection than what you’re subscribed to). Add this to the cart and proceed through the checkout process to download the data. (You won’t be asked for payment.)

Note: When you subscribe to a product that has other variations (eg. an AOI variation and a Pre-cut Tiles variation), your subscription entitles you to download data from either variation on the map, within your subscribed region.