Once an item is already in the cart, you can change your selected region, formats and projections, and order type by editing the item. On the item in the cart, click the Review button.

The Add to Cart panel will appear again and your selected region will be loaded onto the map. You can make changes to the order type or selected formats and projections in the panel.

You can change the region by using any of the available map tools. When you edit the map region, the Add to Cart panel will close. To see the updated price and update your cart item, click the green Update Item button in the bottom right corner of the map interface.

When you're finished your edits, click the green Update Item button at the bottom of the Add to Cart panel.

The item will be updated in the cart.

Cancel Edits

To cancel edit mode and discard your edits, either click the Cancel button at the bottom of the Add to Cart panel:

Or, click the Cancel Edit button on the cart item:

Please note: The prices in the screenshots above may not reflect current pricing.